December 27, 2017
No wonder they say —traveling turns you into a storyteller.
…because it really does. I wish I could share ALL the interesting stories behind my pictures from all of my recent West Coast travels in detail. These pictures were not easy to get. I had some LONG journeys, 13-15 hour days just going to one park! This was definitely the experience I had going to the Grand Canyon. I even got stuck in a 4 hour traffic jam trying to get OUT of the Grand Canyon and almost 2 hours trying to get inside due to overcrowding, a broken down bus on the way and an accident leaving the park twenty-minutes away. And the whole time I’m waiting in traffic I’m trying to figure out how the accident started. There’s only one road. There are no two lanes going in the same direction—somebody just can’t drive! It was sunset by the time we made it to the front entrance. But sunset gave me the best views! And I’ll try to explain it…
Once inside the Grand Canyon–it was jaw dropping, tear jerking, eye-popping, life-changing, spectacularly, and breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. In fact, take a look yourself. Click the link below:
Now, how did that make you feel? There are no words. And on top of it all, no one designed it with their bare hands. Again, Jesus has his name written all over this.
When you first enter the park, you will see a million people in the same place trying to take pictures. I got caught up in this trap–not realizing that if I walk the trim, I will find places that are even more stunning and without all the people in the way. There are even places where you can get closer to the edge for more beautiful captures…be careful though!
There were times when I decided to just take a seat and enjoy the view. I mean really enjoy what I was looking at. I was totally mesmerized. It was amazing guys!
Amid all the delays, long drives, and short day light hours, the sights, especially the Grand Canyon are still a MUST SEE. Oh and please don’t go during the summer—it is a gazillion degrees outside. This time of the year (October-March) is fantastic. A little breezy but not 112°…. Start planning your road trip now!