Welcome to my platform of inspiration. I’m LaShay Mamuya and I’m super excited that you came to visit. Pull up a chair, you might be here for a while… πŸ™‚ I am a High School teacher in New York City and while I would love to blog and travel full time, my heart needs to teach. One day however, I hope to see the entire world and still teach! When I’m not traveling, I am teaching. I teach Mathematics to High School Seniors in the South Bronx. I am currently in my fifth year of teaching and I was tenured in my third year! *Giving myself a pat on the back*. I have three degrees and studied at UC Berkeley, NYU and St. John’s University πŸ™‚

When I’m not teaching, I’m traveling. I studied abroad in Rome, Italy in 2011 during my last year of my undergraduate studies at UC Berkeley. It was my study abroad experience that inspired me to travel more. I’ve realized over the past few years that while traveling either alone or with my amazing husband, I have become a storyteller without a platform to share them. Many of my travel experiences have shaped who I am today and has inspired me to inspire others to create the life they want to live. I want to use my blog to share with you not only my travels and my classroom, but also my inspiration. Enjoy!